
VE Day Celebrations!

12 May 2020
On Friday the 8th May it was 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe. Years of destruction had come to an end and millions of people took to the streets and pubs to celebrate peace, mourn their loved – ones and to look forward to the future, […]

Theme Week on Lockdown!

29 April 2020
Last week the interns began learning about topics related to PSHE. The theme they began with was alcohol. Each day the interns were set tasks about different areas of alcohol. The tasks involved them doing their own research. These included learning about: units of alcohol, alcohol addiction, alcohol and the law, as well as where […]

Keeping Active during Lockdown!

23 April 2020
Last week the Interns enjoyed an Egg-cellent Easter weekend before entering a new week of distance learning.  With chocolate in the air, what better time to share how they have been keeping active.  Will shared: I have enjoyed going out on daily walks to help keep me active.  On Easter Sunday I took part in an […]

Going Virtual whilst in Lockdown!

20 April 2020
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic we are all staying home to stay safe. This also led to the HS4LC Day Centre been temporarily closed, so learners are unable to participate in their normal everyday activities and classes. Thanks to the wonders of technology we have been able to run music sessions for residents at […]

Life Skills Learning on Lockdown!

14 April 2020
Last week, the interns were set some life skills tasks to do at home and they definitely rose to the challenge!  Here are some photos and an update of what they have been doing! Arron: The life skills I have put into practice this week is washing and drying up the dishes, and making my […]

Update Announcement!

8 April 2020
Dear all, As we approach Easter it is clear that we won't be re-opening our day-service for some time yet. In light of everything that's happening with the Coronavirus nationally and the fact that we simply don't know how long the current lockdown will last, we have now taken the decision to close until further […]

Distance Learning with the Skills Bridge Interns.

1 April 2020
Like the Day Centre, our Routes to Employment Programmes had to shut the doors on Monday 23rd March. However, this doesn’t mean the learning has stopped! While they are not in work placements the Interns have continued to work hard from home. Several learners have borrowed laptops from the centre and others are using their […]

Autism Awareness Week 2020!

30 March 2020
Autism Awareness Week runs from Monday 20 March 2020 to Sunday 5th April 2020 and is a yearly campaign held to raise much needed awareness and understanding of the disability. Autism is a lifelong disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. There are approximately 700,000 autistic adults and children in the […]

Dignity Activity at Briardene!

23 March 2020
On the 7th March 2020 our residents at our Briardene Care Home participated in a Dignity T-Shirt Making activity. This activity was centered around Dignity Action Day which was celebrated in February and is brought to you by The Dignity in Care campaign which core values are about having dignity in our hearts minds and […]

Important Announcement!

18 March 2020
Harrogate Skills 4 Living Centre has taken the decision to close day-centre activities at both 9 North Park Road and St. Georges Community Centre, with effect from Monday 23rd March until Tuesday 14th April. We have decided to take this measure to protect our vulnerable beneficiaries with the aim of reducing any unnecessary travel and […]