Keeping Active during Lockdown!

23 April 2020

Last week the Interns enjoyed an Egg-cellent Easter weekend before entering a new week of distance learning. 

With chocolate in the air, what better time to share how they have been keeping active. 

Will shared: I have enjoyed going out on daily walks to help keep me active. 

On Easter Sunday I took part in an Easter egg hunt in my garden before enjoying a sweet treat in the form of a Percy Pig Easter egg. Will says I am maintaining a balanced healthy diet by "Not having too many snacks" and "Eating fruit and vegetables with dinner".

This week Will also says "I am proud of cooking dinner on my own and completing work even though some was hard". 

Kelsie: Last week Kelsie shared with us not only has she become a dab hand in the kitchen cooking meals and baking, that in-between working hard to complete online learning qualifications she has learnt how to fix her bike. 

This has enabled Kelsie to get outdoors for her daily exercise and keep active. Kelsie shared she has enjoyed being able to hop on her bike and pedal away while in lockdown. 

Arron shared with us: I'm maintaining a healthy balanced diet by eating lots of fruit and vegetables and low calorie foods alongside my daily exercise. 

I have been keeping fit and active by going out for a long walk once a day. Over the Easter weekend since I was still in self isolation I helped mum to do some gardening jobs to keep active and tidied my bedroom as they say that's another good way of keeping active which most people don't know it is. My favourite treat over the Easter Weekend was my Mini Eggs Chocolate Easter Egg which was a big treat for me as I'm not normally allowed a lot of chocolate due to my Prader Willi Syndrome. A family tradition we have at Easter is we enjoy a sit down meal which consists of a roast dinner and a pudding. This year we enjoyed a Chicken Dinner for our main meal and meringue with strawberries and yoghurt for our desert. This was another one of the best treats of Easter weekend. 

This week I have been busy doing my work for my Business Admin Qualification on diary systems and customer service in a business environment. I am feeling really good and happy this week because I have found out that the restrictions have been relaxed for people with learning disabilities and autism so that means I can now go out for exercise once more each day than I would have before. I am feeling really proud this week for one surviving self isolation and managing to cope with the difficult experience of being stuck at home for two weeks and for managing to complete my business admin assignments six days.

And a big well done to you Arron for keeping so active and working as hard as you have. 

Liv shared with us: I have enjoyed spending time in the garden with my family. 

My favourite part of the week was receiving a lantern from Pots2Go for me to paint, this has been collected to be glazed so I will share with you the finished look once they bring it back. 

I am on their Facebook and Instagram page with a picture.

I have kept busy by doing more baking, and we hid chocolate Eggs all around the garden for us to find.

Steph shared: I have been really good over the last few weeks. I have had a few chocolate treats but I am trying really hard improve my diet! 

I have swapped cans of coke for fresh orange juice or weak squash. I have swapped sweets for fruit and veg. I am now eating carrots and apples every day and sometimes strawberries too.

I have learned to cook pasta in the microwave and I have been using oven more as well as my air fryer which I really like and is really safe to use. I plan my meals on a Monday for the week and this helps me to keep organised and healthy! 

It is hard for me to exercise on my own but I have been doing a short walk everyday for half an hour. This includes my route to the bus stop, so I don't forget it!

My Easter treat has been two Malteaser bars and a Terry's chocolate orange! 

I have also been making a scrap book of my memories. I have really enjoyed this, I know need some more memories to finish it off!!!

Will we have more updates from the interns in the next week. Please follow us on our social media pages to stay up to date with our news.